
Aurélie MANUEL

Doula - Reflexologist (ASCA) - Therapist

Doula, from pre-conception to postpartum period
Holistic therapist

I offer emotional and organisational support for you and your family as you embark on your maternal journey. I can offer you support throughout your fertility and pregnancy journey, childbirth and into the postnatal period or for just a part of it.

Pregnancy and the postnatal period are only fleeting moments in the journey of motherhood, despite what it may feel like at the time. Having a ritualised treatment or ceremony can allow you to pause, be present and embrace the precious moment wherein you find yourself.

I facilitate workshops that allow a safe space for parents to share their experiences. It also gives me the opportunity to provide you with training in relaxation. Within any of these workshops you will be met with a sense of belonging and find much needed support from one another. 

In one-on-one sessions I accompany you on your personal growth journey, aimed at increasing your body and emotional awareness. I provide you with the space and opportunity to connect to your full potential.

Specialiazed in femininity and perinatality, this therapy can assist you in dealing with the inevitable flow of physical and emotional changes. Perinatal reflexology can be enjoyed from pre-conception right through until the postpartum period. 

This treatment is designed to your specific needs and allows you to spend some time connecting to your own feminine temple: your uterus. 

Childbirth and one’s personal growth are my absolute passions in life. I find it so rewarding, and such an honour, to be able to experience these sacred moments with the people I support. I offer a FREE phone/video meeting so that we can feel if we are best suited to journey through it together. 

“Birth matters. It brings us into being, on many levels.” Ananda Lowe, doula


A Doula serves to enhance the care of the family by providing physical, emotional and educational support before, during and after birth. The benefits of this ancient role were rediscovered in the 1970s through a study done by Drs John Kennell and Marshall Klaus.

She is a non-medical professional trained to work with families during the childbearing year.  She works in collaboration to a midwife or a medic but never replace them.

She ensures emotional security for the womxn and her partner during this interesting and oftentimes also unsettling time, by providing them a time and a place where they can communication freely. She supports them in finding information and services that could enhance their perinatal journey. Thus she helps to strengthen the confidence of the womxn and/or couple.

La doula apporte un soutien physique et émotionnel. Elle est complémentaire au suivi médical du gynécologue et/ou de la sage-femme et ne s’y substitue en aucun cas.

Son rôle principal est d’accompagner les parents dans leurs prises de décisions, de leur offrir un espace de parole libre et de leur apporter le confort dont ils ont besoin pour aborder cette intense étape de vie de manière sereine.

When a birth occurs with the supportive and loving accompaniment of a Doula, we can expect:

  • Shortened labor.
  • Less need for pain relief/medication
  • Lesser use of contractions-supporting substances.
  • Fewer stress for parents and their beloved.
  • Fewer forceps, vacuum or caesarean delivery, 
  • More reactive newborns ready to breastfeed.
  • Strengthening mother-baby bond as well as couple bond.


Finally, the regular presence of a doula allows for a trusted bond with the parents which helps them to feel secure to talk about their needs and fears without holding back. She guides parents through evidence based information allowing them to make informed decisions.

Yes. The reflexology technique is adapted for each stage of pregnancy as it is only applied on the feet in a soft manner. It is used to enhance your wellbeing or to deal with a specific condition, emotional state or challenging situation. You can enjoy a session from the pre-conception stage through to the postpartum, as well as even during labour, if I am your birth doula.

Whilst on my therapy journey, I realised that there is no one right method or way to touch and approach people. Everyone is unique and has their own specific needs. Depending on whether the purpose of the therapy is to deal with a physical/emotional/psychological or even spiritual matter, every session is a co-creation and no two sessions look the same. It is through using a combination of my skills, knowledge and intuition that constitutes my mindful touch. It can look like massage as well as guided breathing, and it is beautiful blend of it all. By not being limited to one specific approach I give you the space to reach beyond your limits.

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Doula and therapist

Aurélie MANUEL




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